It is important we take the best care possible regarding our health to alleviate strain on the NHS. Please check all health and COVID-19 information from every organisation before leaving home.
- Cranbrook Pharmacy 01392 986344
- Tesco Pharmacy (Exeter) 01392 819207
- NHS Volunteer Responders Phone: 0808 196 3646 (8am to 8pm, 7 days a week)
Mental Health essential contacts
- TalkWorks
- Samaritans 116 123
- Mind 0300 123 3393
- Calm 0800 58 58 58
- Women’s Aid 0808 2000 247
- Age UK 0800 678 1602
- Childline 0800 1111
- YoungMinds 0800 018 2138
- Cornerstone Church Cranbrook (Bereavement): 07845736420 (text is best)